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Advent Devotional from John Piper

By Matthew Barrett–

John Piper and Desiring God ministries have released a free advent devotional, pulled from the sermons of Piper. It is titled, “Good News of Great Joy.” Each day there is a different advent devotion. My family has started and I found that even our little ones were able to follow along and interact with the material. Here is the description from Piper himself:

Dear Friends,

I’m excited to tell you about a new free eBook for Advent from Desiring God. It’s called Good News of Great Joy, organized specifically for this Advent, 2012.

Advent is just around the corner. It starts the fourth Sunday before Christmas — this year, that’s December 2 — and is a season of preparation for Christmas Day.

The team here at Desiring God did a deep dive into our thirty-plus-year reservoir of sermons and articles, and selected brief devotional readings for each day of Advent. Our hope is that God would use these readings to deepen and sweeten your adoration of Jesus this Advent.

These daily devotionals correspond to the daily readings in our devotional app Solid Joys, which is available for free download in the iTunes store. If you find short daily reflections like these helpful, we’d hope you’ll keep using Solid Joys once Advent is done.

Our prayer is that this new eBook might help you keep Jesus as the center and greatest treasure of your Advent season. The candles and candies have their place, but we want to make sure that in all the Christmas rush and hubbub we adore Jesus above all.

December is an important time for us at Desiring God. We give most of what we have away for free. This is possible because lots of thankful people help us make that happen. It would make us really glad if you would pray about how you might be involved in supporting our mission as this year comes to a close.

For Christ and his kingdom,

John Piper
and David Mathis, Executive Editor

Also, here is a sermon from Piper from last Christmas called, “A Savior is Born! Glory to God, Peace to Man.”

Matthew Barrett (Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is Assistant Professor of Christian Studies at California Baptist University (OPS). He is also the founder and executive editor of Credo Magazine. Barrett has contributed book reviews and articles to various academic journals, and he is the editor of Whomever He Wills: A Surprising Display of Sovereign Mercy, as well as the author of several other forthcoming books. He is married to Elizabeth and they have two daughters, Cassandra and Georgia.

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