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Coming soon…Justification: The doctrine on which the Church stands or falls

The new issue of Credo Magazine is almost here! January’s issue is called, “Justification: The Doctrine on which the Church Stands or Falls.” There is an impressive line-up of contributors. Thomas Schreiner has contributed an entire article in response to N. T. Wright’s magnum opus on Paul. R. Michael Allen talks about his new book on justification and the gospel. Also, Matthew Barretts engages in a roundtable discussion with Michael Horton, Brian Vickers, J.V. Fesko, Guy Waters, Korey Maas, and Philip Ryken about whether or not justification is still the dividing line. And we cannot fail to mention Fred Zaspel’s incredibly helpful article on the importance of teaching justification to our children. There is a ton more that could be mentioned, but you will just have to wait until the issue is released. For now, here is the cover.

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