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Credo Feb 2015 Cover Slider-01

10 Questions with Augustus Nicodemus Lopes

The most recent issue of Credo Magazine, “By the Book: How Well Do You Know the Bible?”, includes “10 Questions with Augustus Nicodemus Lopes.” Augustus Nicodemus Lopes is vice-president of his denomination, the Presbyterian Church of Brazil (IPB). He is the pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Goyania. Holding a Ph.D. from Westminster Theological Seminary, he also teaches courses in New Testament at various schools.

In this interview Augustus speaks with Credo Magazine in order to shed light on what Christianity looks like in Brazil, why there has been recent excitement over Reformed theology, and what challenges the church in Brazil will face going forward. He also has something to say about McDonalds, Pentecostalism, and feijoada!

Here is an excerpt:

What does Christianity look like in Brazil?

Christianity is relatively young in Brazil. Not more than 150 years old. At the moment the strongest influence is that of the Neo-Pentecostal churches. There are many Reformed churches, but we are small compared to the great number of Pentecostals and Neo-Pentecostal churches. Nevertheless, we have been able to translate and publish a great number of books by the Reformers and Puritans. Also, there is an increasing number of Reformed Brazilian authors. Many Reformed conferences are held in Brazil every year. And the Reformed faith has been increasingly spreading among evangelicals in Brazil.

Pentecostalism has a major presence in Brazil. What impact is Pentecostalism having on the church in Brazil, good and bad?

Pentecostals are bringing the gospel to the big cities and reaching many people. At the same time, their emphasis on experiences, the lack of a solid doctrinal basis, and their belief in present day revelations have opened the movement to the infiltration of false teachers. In spite of all this, and maybe because of this, many Pentecostals are leaving their churches as they get acquainted with the Reformed faith through the internet, YouTube, Facebook and all other social media. Just last Sunday we received about 60 new members in our church that came from Pentecostal churches.

Read the rest of this interview today!

View the magazine as a PDF (Click Here)

How well do you know your Bible? Now that is a scary question, even if you have been a Christian for a long time. Between church events, little league games, and a full-time job, finding time to read and study Scripture is a herculean task. To make matters worse, when you finally do escape to read the Bible you struggle to understand what it means. At times you can relate with the Ethiopian eunuch who said to Philip when asked if he understood what he was reading, “How can I, unless someone guides me?”

In this issue of Credo Magazine we are here to help! If you feel tired and frustrated, this issue will give you that shot of adrenaline you need to keep going. And if you feel like you just don’t have the tools in your belt to interpret the Bible properly, then you are in good hands. Consider this an exercise in going to the hardware store to find those tools you need to comprehend the Bible. Obviously this issue of the magazine won’t give you all the tools you need, but we hope to get you started, even provide you with the motivation you need to study the Bible on your own. Sure, it’s hard work. But hard work pays off. And maybe one day you will be able to say, “Hey, I do know the Bible, and I think I can help someone else understand it too.”

Contributors include: Robert Plummer, Ardel Caneday, Michael Kruger, Deven K. MacDonald, Paul D. Wegner, Augustus Nicodemus Lopes, Kevin DeYoung, Douglas Moo, and Thomas Schreiner.

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