Center for Classical Theology Lecture with Michael Horton in San Diego - REGISTER
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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. How to Know if You Are Called: Dave Harvey – Harvey says, “Before Jesus calls us to do, he first calls us to be. From that place of intimacy, where we are loved, known, and accepted, we can learn to hear the voice of God calling to us. He is calling you today. How will you respond?”

2. Review of Warrant: The Current Debate: Books at a Glance – Check out this review of one of Alvin Plantinga’s works on epistemology.

3. 5 Strategies for Daily Bible Reading: Gavin Ortlund – Ortlund says, “As I have tried to help guys struggling in this area, and also remain vigilant and creative and fresh in my own Bible intake, I’ve come up with a couple basic ideas that some have found helpful.”

4. Nine Consequences of Debt: Randy Alcorn – Alcorn notes, “Without a firm conviction against going into debt, people will inevitably find the ‘need’ to borrow. Those with convictions against borrowing will always find ways to avoid it.”

5. The Amorality of Atheism: Rob Smith – Smith says, “It ought to be clear, then, that the question I’m pursuing is not: Can atheists behave morally? Evidently, many do. Nor is it: Can atheists formulate ethical systems? Clearly, many have. Nor is it the vexed question of whether secular societies are more “moral” than religious ones. The question is simply whether there can be such a thing as ‘objective morality’ without God.”

Matt Manry is the Assistant Pastor at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He writes at

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