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how to read the bible in changing times

Interview with Mark Strauss

Should we interpret the Old Testament differently than the New Testament? When and how should we apply a passage of scripture to our contemporary situation? Was the Bible written to us? These are questions that get to the heart of the discipline of hermeneutics. Over at Credo’s “Reviews and Interviews” page, Mark Strauss answers questions about his new book, How to Read the Bible in Changing Times. The interview begins,

What is the study of hermeneutics and, on a personal note, how did you first become interested in studying the difficult subject of hermeneutics?

Hermeneutics is the science and art of biblical interpretation. It involves both determining the meaning of the text in its original context and also determining the significance of the text for today.

I began a serious study of hermeneutics when I was asked to teach a course on Bible Study methods at the Christian college where I was teaching. It became apparent to me that there was an enormous gap between what scholars teach about how to read the Bible and the average Christian’s understanding. So I began to develop ways to simplify the complex issues of hermeneutics and present them at a more popular-level.

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