Owen on the Preciousness of Christ
By Luke Stamps
As we prepare our hearts for Christmas this Advent season, it is important that we keep in view the person of Christ as the object of our worship and adoration. Here’s a quote from John Owen to help in that regard. In typical Owenian fashion, it is densely packed.
Unto them that believe unto the saving of the soul, [Christ] is, he always hath been, precious — the sun, the rock, the life, the bread of their souls — every thing that is good, useful, amiable, desirable, here or unto eternity. In, from, and by him, is all their spiritual and eternal life, light, power, growth, consolation, and joy here; with everlasting salvation hereafter (from The Works of John Owen, vol. 1, p. 3).
In order to slow down and comprehend what Owen is saying here, it might be helpful to pray through these meditations, expressing thanks and praise to God for the many precious benefits we enjoy in his Son.
Luke Stamps is a Ph.D. candidate at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in systematic theology. Luke is a weekly contributor to the Credo blog and also blogs at Before All Things. Luke is married to Josie, and they have three children, Jack, Claire, and Henry. Luke is a member of Clifton Baptist Church in Louisville, KY.