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Slugs and Bugs…and Under Where?

By Elizabeth Barrett –

My children love music. They love dancing and throwing their bodies all over the living room with delightful sounds playing in the background. That being said, I am so happy to have found the “Slugs and Bugs” kids series by Randall Goodgame and Andrew Peterson. These songs are fun and silly, yet based on the foundation that God is the creator of the world and that Christ is our savior.  They describe their mission statement as:

You could say our mission is to write great, fun songs that celebrate the truth, beauty, freedom, and love of silliness that is so characteristic of children. But you could also say that we aim to write great, fun songs that help parents to remember how to be kids.  

Slugs & Bugs is for kids and parents.  Our children need to learn that life with Jesus is a life of joy and celebration, and we parents need to remember that very same thing.  Slugs & Bugs aims to provide a context for parents and kids to learn and remember together the joy of life in Christ, while also having a super-great time with silly songs about grizzly bears that don’t wear underwear.

The Slugs & Bugs worldview rejects the compartmentalization of life into sacred and secular and declares with great (and silly) gusto that Christ is the head of all things.  He is the head of kite flying and river floating, ice fishing and sky diving, nap taking and diaper changing.

Our small hope is that kids will love the music and parents will too.  Our grand hope is that Slugs & Bugs kids would one day grow up and find it natural to remember Jesus in their homework, in their work, in their friendships and even in the parenting of our grandkids.

Lately, we have been mostly listening to the Slugs and Bugs Christmas album. While there are some of the traditional Christmas carols, many of the songs are originals; including two of our favorite silly mixes- “It’s Christmas Time Again” and “The Camel Song.” The original Slugs and Bugs album is Slugs and Bugs and Lullabies, and the most recent production is Slugs and Bugs Under Where? Any of these CD’s would make great additions to your child’s Christmas gifts, or as a stocking stuffer. Don’t tell my kids, but they just might be getting one or two themselves!

And just to give you a little taste, here are some of the music videos:

Elizabeth Barrett (B.A., Biola University) is a mother of two beautiful daughters, Cassandra and Georgia, and she is married to Matthew. She is a member of Clifton Baptist Church.
