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deity of christ

The Deity of Christ

One new book that is a must read is The Deity of Christ, by Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A. Peterson (Wheaton: Crossway, 2011). This book is filled with chapters by some of the top scholars and the book itself addresses the doctrine the early church fought to defend against Arianism and the contemporary church has sought to defend against liberalism. In the January issue of Credo Magazine, “In Christ Alone,” Luke Stamps has written a review. Luke begins,

Few doctrines are more essential to the Christian faith than the deity of Christ.  Throughout church history, this doctrine—along with its concomitant, the doctrine of the Trinity—has been the sine qua non of Christian orthodoxy.  Because of its significance for Christian faith and practice, the deity of Christ is constantly in need of fresh defense and articulation, especially in a context of religious and philosophical pluralism, such as our own. The Deity of Christ, edited by Christopher Morgan and Robert Peterson, offers just such a defense from several prominent evangelical scholars.  It is the third installment in Crossway’s Theology in Community series, which explores key Christian doctrines in a multi-disciplinary format.

The editors’ introduction sets the stage for the book by exploring some of the contemporary challenges to the deity of Christ, including the recent fascination with the so-called “lost gospels,” the expansion of Islam, the rise of religious pluralism, and the abiding influence of various cult groups.  The book’s first chapter, by Stephen Nichols, continues this reflection on the contemporary context by examining how Christ has been interpreted in American culture, including in the church, in politics, and in the arts.  He rightly suggests that a recovery of the true Jesus will be found in submission both to the Christian tradition and to the biblical text.

Read the rest of Luke’s review here.

Read other reviews like this one in the January issue of Credo Magazine!

The January issue argues for the exclusivity of the gospel, especially in light of the movement known as inclusivism. This issue will seek to answer questions like: Can those who have never heard the gospel of Christ be saved? Will everyone be saved in the end or will some spend an eternity in hell? Must someone have explicit faith in Christ to be saved? Contributors include David Wells, Robert Peterson, Michael Horton, Gerald Bray, Todd Miles, Todd Borger, Ardel Caneday, Nathan Finn, Trevin Wax, Michael Reeves, and many others.

To view the magazine as a PDF Click Here
