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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. Q&A: How Do You Train Children to Manage Their Feelings?: By Nicole Whitacre – Nicole notes that: “One of the most effective ways my parents helped my sisters and me to learn emotional self-control (still learning, by the way!) was to model a calm demeanor, and even an affectionate amusement at our melodrama.”

2. Four Reasons the Gospels Could Not Be Legends: By J.D. Greear – Greear says: “I don’t believe in Jesus based on blind faith. I believe in Jesus for the same reason these first believers did: because I am convinced the testimony of the apostles is true, that Jesus really did resurrect from the dead.”

3. How the Scandal of Preaching Will Reach Our Postmodern World: By Michael Kruger – Kruger rightly notes: “Thus, preaching is anti-individualistic. It directly challenges the postmodern sentiment that all I need is me, my Bible, and Jesus.  It forces us to recover a higher ecclesiology.”

4. Lessons Learned at Strange Fire: By Tim Challies – Challies notes: “Only time will tell of the long-term impact of Strange Fire, but as I think back to the past few days, I find myself grateful for it. I suppose that may be easier to say as a cessationist than a charismatic, but I believe the event and its aftermath will prove beneficial. I continue to pray that God would use it to to strengthen His church and to glorify His name.”

5. Where Did All These Calvinists Come From?: By Matt Smethurst – Smethurst notes: “The contemporary resurgence of Calvinism is a phenomenon many celebrate, many lament, but none can deny. May Christ grant us grace to press forward in a hostile world with truth, humility, unity, and love.”

Matt Manry is the Director of Discipleship at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Religion at Reformed Theological Seminary and a Masters of Arts in Christian and Classical Studies from Knox Theological Seminary. He blogs regularly at
