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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. Pastors Aren’t Born But FormedBy Derek Rishmawy – Rishmawy says: “I’ve been struck to see that pastors aren’t born but formed. It’s easy when reading the final edition of the Institutes or the later commentaries, at such a historical remove, to forget the development and the formative influences involved in turning the proud young legal scholar into a mature churchman and theologian.”

2. How To Grow SpirituallyBy William Boekestein – Boekestein notes: “If you want to grow spiritually, do something shockingly ordinary: Devote yourself to the preached word of God, habitually use the sacraments to direct your faith to Christ, and spend time in earnest prayer.”

3. Why Was Judas Carrying the Moneybag?By Jon Bloom – Bloom says: “But in knowingly giving dishonest Judas the moneybag, Jesus specifically modeled for us where not to put our trust: money. Jesus trusted his Father, not money, to provide everything he needed to fulfill his calling.”

4. Four Persuasive Elements Found in Expository PreachingBy Wayne McDill – McDill says: “It is easy for the preacher to think that everyone is interested in the same aspects of biblical study that he is. What is needed is an appeal to the whole person—understanding, conscience, emotions, imagination, will, reason.”

5. Reflections on the 2014 SBC Pastor’s ConferenceBy Garrett Kell – Kell notes: “This two-day event precedes the Southern Baptist Convention and is intended to encourage and challenge pastors in ministry.”

Matt Manry is the Director of Discipleship at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Religion at Reformed Theological Seminary and a Masters of Arts in Christian and Classical Studies from Knox Theological Seminary. He blogs regularly at
