Center for Classical Theology Lecture with Michael Horton in San Diego - REGISTER
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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. He Must Increase; Our Churches Must DecreaseBy Jared C. Wilson – Wilson says: “A gospel-centered church is okay with its own decreasing — in reputation, in acclaim, in legacy, even in (gasp) numbers, but especially in self-regard — so long as it serves the increasing of the sense of the glory of God.”

2. Should I Attend a Same-Sex Wedding?By Matthew Hosier – Hosier notes: “Nevertheless I do not seek confrontation with anyone. I recognize that all of us stand as sinners before God, with our own issues and junk. The radical nature of the Christian gospel recognizes that none of us in and of ourselves is morally superior to anyone else. Apart from the grace of God we are all lost souls. Only by surrendering to the grace of God revealed to us in Jesus Christ can we find healing and wholeness. This healing and wholeness profoundly affects our attitudes towards sex, sexuality, and relationships and empowers us to live as disciples of Christ, even when to do so is costly.”

3. Curved InwardBy Alex Dean – Dean says: “If the gospel captures your gaze, day after day, you’ll be reminded of the glorious reality of no condemnation. You’ll spend your time looking up and out. You’ll be free to serve everyone because you need nothing from anyone. You will live a gloriously counterintuitive kind of life in which you won’t care about your own power, position, prominence, or praise. You’re only concern will be the glory of Jesus and the praise of his glorious grace.”

4. The Osteen Predicament – Mere Happiness Cannot Bear the Weight of the GospelBy Albert Mohler – Mohler says: “Victoria Osteen’s comments fit naturally within the worldview and message she and her husband have carefully cultivated. The divine-human relationship is just turned upside down, and God’s greatest desire is said to be our happiness. But what is happiness? It is a word that cannot bear much weight. As writers from C. S. Lewis to the Apostle Paul have made clear, happiness is no substitute for joy. Happiness, in the smiling version assured in the Age of Osteen, doesn’t last, cannot satisfy, and often is not even real.”

5. Why I Believe Children Who Die Go To HeavenBy Daniel Akin – Akin says: “Little ones are precious in God’s sight. If they die, they go to heaven. Parents who have trusted Jesus, who have lost a little one, can be confident of a wonderful reunion someday. Are you hopeful of seeing again that little treasure God entrusted to you for such a short time? Jesus has made a way. Come to Him now and you will see them again.”

Matt Manry is the Assistant Pastor at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Religion at Reformed Theological Seminary and a Masters of Arts in Christian and Classical Studies from Knox Theological Seminary.

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