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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. Three Reflections on Evangelical Academic PublishingBy Andy Naselli – Naselli says: “Evangelicals should be grateful for evangelical scholarship. It is a gift from God.”

2. The Underbelly of Revival? Five Reflections on Various Failures in the Young, Restless, and Reformed MovementBy D.A. Carson – Carson notes: “From this experience, and from reading of many other movements with their origin in God’s good hand of grace, I’ve come to some resolutions should God in his mercy ever place me in such circumstances again. The first and foremost is this: Don’t trust the media, and trust your own heart with respect to the temptations of the media even less.”

3. Biblical Proportion and BalanceBy Donald Macleod – Macleod says: “The problem we run into here is that denominations will wish to safeguard their own distinctive doctrines, which are, after all, the reason for their separate existence. Unfortunately, these distinctives are seldom fundamental in any real theological sense.”

4. Two Enemies of DeterminationBy Darrin Patrick – Patrick says: “I have never met a truly aimless guy. I have met many guys that lack determination. I know because they ask to meet up for coffee. Now, certainly I have met with hundreds of guys that are disciplined, driven, and focused. They are coming with well-thought questions to concrete obstacles in their path. But for the other guys, I am approached more like a genie than a pastor or counselor. They are not coming with questions, but wishes.”

5. The Prodigal DadBy Alex Dean – Dean says: “If God can heal the most fractured relationship that has ever existed—the one between you and him—he can surely reconcile your relationship with your wife and kids by his grace. He can certainly bring you under the fountain of joy that comes from renewal in Him. He can put you back together.”

Matt Manry is the Assistant Pastor at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Religion at Reformed Theological Seminary and a Masters of Arts in Christian and Classical Studies from Knox Theological Seminary.
