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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. Writing “Sending” Into Your Church’s DNABy J.D. Greear– Greear says: “Early in my pastorate, a well-meaning pastor told me that we shouldn’t think that much about sending people out during our first ten years of our ministry; we should instead focus on building up our church locally. I know he meant well, but I have come to see this as very bad­ advice.”

2. 4 Reasons to Believe in the Empty TombBy Paul Rezkalla – Rezkalla notes: “It is clear from the evidence that we can establish, with relative certainty, that Jesus’s tomb was found empty three days after his crucifixion, by a group of his women followers. Again, this is not an argument for the truth of the resurrection, but it is in important link in the chain of evidences that can best be explained by the resurrection.”

3. Not My Will Be DoneBy Jon Bloom – Bloom says: “No one understands better than God how difficult it can be for a human to embrace the will of God. And no human has suffered more in embracing the will of God the Father than God the Son. When Jesus calls us to follow him, whatever the cost, he is not calling us to do something he is either unwilling to do or has never done himself.”

4. Adam Broke 10 Commandments in the GardenBy Mark Jones – Jones says: “In our own sin, we rarely, if ever, break one commandment. Our sins almost always involve breaking several commandments at once. Moreover, our sins against the second table of the law are usually a failure in the first table of the law.” 

5. I Am BarabbasBy David Mathis – Mathis says: “We feel varying levels of disdain for Judas who betrays him, Peter who denies him, the chief priests who despise him, Herod who mocks him, the people who call for his crucifixion, Pilate who appeases the mob and washes his hands, and Barabbas who is guilty but gets to go free. But wait. Barabbas — the guilty who goes free? Barabbas — the sinner released to new life while the death he deserves is paid by an Innocent Substitute?”

Matt Manry is the Assistant Pastor at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Religion at Reformed Theological Seminary and a Masters of Arts in Christian and Classical Studies from Knox Theological Seminary.

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