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Introducing Reformation Theology with Crossway (Matthew Barrett)

9781433543289I am very pleased to introduce a new volume with Crossway that I’ve been privileged to edit: Reformation Theology: A Systematic SummaryAs you can tell from the title, this volume presents the theology of the Reformers in a systematic way. In light of the 500th anniversary (nearly upon us), this book is designed to help churchgoers, pastors, and students understand Reformation theology better.

Michael Horton has written the Foreword and it’s been a joy to work with an impressive line up of contributions. You can now pre-order the book on Amazon and Crossway’s website. The book will release in March, 2017.

Below is the book’s description and Table of Contents:

Far too often, the Protestant Reformation is seen as a bygone and irrelevant movement in church history. Some of the best theologians and historians of today, including Michael Reeves, Gerald Bray, Graham A. Cole, Carl R. Trueman, and many others, have collaborated to counter this view, showing how Reformation theology is not only still relevant but actually essential—even five hundred years later. Offering readers accessible summaries of a host of important doctrinal issues discussed and debated by the Reformers, this comprehensive book includes entries on topics such as biblical authority, the Trinity, the attributes of God, predestination, union with Christ, justification by faith, the church, the sacraments, and more. Perfect for both individual and classroom use, this volume demonstrates that Reformation theology—far from being irrelevant—is more crucial to the vitality of the church than ever.

Table of Contents

  1. The Crux of Genuine Reform
    Matthew Barrett

Part 1: Historical Background to the Reformation

  1. Late Medieval Theology
    Gerald Bray
  2. The Reformers and their Reformations
    Carl Trueman and Eun Jin Kim

Part 2: Reformation Theology

  1. Sola Scriptura
    Mark D. Thompson
  2. The Holy Trinity
    Michael Reeves
  3. The Attributes of God
    Scott Swain
  4. Predestination and Election
    Cornelis Venema
  5. Creation and the Image of God
    Douglas F. Kelly
  6. The Person of Christ
    Robert Letham
  7. The Work of Christ
    Donald Macleod
  8. The Holy Spirit
    Graham Cole
  9. Union with Christ
    J. V. Fesko
  10. The Bondage and Liberation of the Will
    Matthew Barrett
  11. Justification by Faith Alone
    Korey Maas
  12. Sanctification, Perseverance, and Assurance
    Michael Allen
  13. The Church
    Robert Kolb
  14. Baptism
    Aaron Denlinger
  15. The Lord’s Supper
    Keith A. Mathison
  16. Church and State
    Peter Lillback
  17. Eschatology
    Kim Riddlebarger

Matthew Barrett is Tutor of Systematic Theology and Church History at Oak Hill Theological College in London, as well as the founder and executive editor of Credo Magazine. Barrett is the author of numerous book reviews and articles in academic and popular journals and magazines. He is the author of several books, including Salvation by Grace: The Case for Effectual Calling and RegenerationOwen on the Christian Life: Living for the Glory of God in Christ (Theologians on the Christian Life)God’s Word Alone: The Authority of ScriptureCurrently he is the series editor of The 5 Solas Series with Zondervan. You can read more about Barrett at
