Center for Classical Theology Lecture with Michael Horton in San Diego - REGISTER
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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. Listen in as Four Theologians Discuss the Trinity Debate: Books at a Glance – “If you’re interested in theology, and unless you have no access at all to cyberspace, you’re aware of the recent debate regarding the Trinity. But perhaps you haven’t kept up. Or maybe you’ve tried to keep up but you’d like to have the issues better explained.”

2. God Works in Those Who Wait: David Mathis – Mathis notes, “We are living in the age of impatience. Whether it’s waiting in line, waiting in traffic, waiting for food service, or waiting for marriage, biding our time is more counter-cultural than ever. We’ve been conditioned to have it our way, right away. First it was fast food and instant coffee; then it was everything else as well.”

3. The Costly Discipline of a Godly Pastor: Steven Lawson – Lawson says, “As Paul challenged Timothy and as Edwards charged himself, I call you to discipline yourself for godliness. I call you to labor and strive. I call you work out your salvation in fear and trembling. I call you to resist temptation and to put to death the deeds of the flesh. I call you to pursue holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.”

4. Resolved to be Human: Cole Deike – Deike says, ” I bite, claw, and scratch it by talking louder and reading more, but in rare moments of victory, I find quiet contentment with being human. I want you to have those in your life. What’s more these moments usually happen when my humanity is most restored and perhaps in these moments I am still just as loud and read just as much. But I am also more dazzled by a central truth about our Jesus: we have a person in our Christ and a Christ in that person.”

5. What Nietzsche Meant When He Said ‘God Is Dead’: Eric Davis – Davis notes, “Today, theological error still abounds. However, it is far less excusable. These days, almost everyone has a Bible. In the early church, no one did. Today, almost everyone has access to sound theological resources. Then, they did not. Today, the essential doctrines of the faith have been defined and tested over time. Then, they had not.”

Matt Manry is the Assistant Pastor at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He writes at

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