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Theologians on the Christian Life Series: Up to 60% Off

The Theologians on the Christian Life series is discounted this week at Westminster Bookstore. Each volume in the series is dedicated to a particular theologian from church history. So far, such theologians include Augustine, Herman BavinckDietrich BonhoefferJohn Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, C.S. Lewis, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Martin Luther, John Newton, John Owen, J.I. Packer, Francis Schaeffer, Charles Spurgeon, B.B. Warfield, and John Wesley. Any individual title is 50% off and the complete 15 volume set is 60% off. Edited by Stephen Nichols and Justin Taylor, the series is a unique collection written by theologians of the present seeking to bring to life theologians from the past. The sale ends on Thursday, April 26, so be sure to purchase your copies today.

Each volume in the series is worth your attention. Below, I will highlight two volumes, John Calvin on the Christian Life and John Owen on the Christian Life, and their authors.

John Calvin on the Christian Life

John Calvin (1509-1564) is a figure that Christians might know by name but maybe not for the content of his life and ministry. He was a Reformer and pastor who penned the Institutes. But what else? How did he conceive the Christian life? In this volume, Michael Horton unveils Calvin’s view on the Christian life by looking at four spheres of Christian living: living before God, living in God, living in the body, and living in the world.

Dr. Michael Horton has taught apologetics and theology at Westminster Theological Seminary California since 1998. In addition to his work at the Seminary, he is the Founder and host of the White Horse Inn, a nationally syndicated, weekly radio talk-show exploring issues of Reformation theology in American Christianity. His most recent books are Rediscovering the Holy Spirit: God’s Perfecting Presence in Creation, Redemption, and Everyday Life; Core Christianity: Finding Yourself in God’s Story; and Ordinary: Sustainable Faith in a Radical, Restless World

John Owen on the Christian Life

John Owen (1616-1683) is regarded as one of the most important Puritans and one of the church’s greatest minds. The unique contribution of this work by Matthew Barrett and Michael Haykin on Owen is the attention given to Owen’s view of divine providence, predestination, justification, the person of Christ, and the nature of the atonement. This book aims to show, through Owen, how theology is practical for living the Chrisitan life. Not written for the academic elite, Owen on the Christian Life is written for any Christian seeking to learn about how John Owen conceived of the Christian life. In the words of Crawford Gribben, “Owen on the Christian Life is one of the most valuable accounts yet published of the practical theology of the most eminent English Puritan.”

Dr. Matthew Barrett is Associate Professor of Christian Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, as well as the founder and executive editor of Credo Magazine. He is the author of several books, including Salvation by GraceGod’s Word Alone: The Authority of Scriptureand Reformation Theology: A Systematic Summary. Additionally, he is the series editor of The 5 Solas Series with Zondervan. You can read more at

Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin is Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality as well as the Director of the Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author is numerous books, including Rediscovering the Church Fathers: Who They Were and How They Shaped the Church and To the Ends of the Earth: Calvin’s Missional Vision and Legacy.

Hebrews 13:7 says, “Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith.” The Theologians on the Christian Life series aids the Christian in this act of imitation by the lucid presentation of theologians from the past.

Brandon Freeman

Brandon Freeman is a pastor at Liberty Baptist Church and a PhD student at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2015, he graduated from Ouachita Baptist University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies. He serves as the Executive Assistant To the Vice President of Institutional Administration at MBTS.
