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Together for the Gospel Conference: Not Attending Need Not Keep You From Benefitting

Since 2006, pastors of various denominational traditions have gathered in Louisville, KY, to express their togetherness in the gospel. The Together for the Gospel biennial conference was birthed out of a conviction that “the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been misrepresented, misunderstood, and marginalized in many Churches and among many who claim the name of Christ.” From April 11-13, 2018, the seventh T4G conference will take place.

Each conference has focused on a specific theme: expositional preaching (2006), biblical theology (2008), the gospel (2010), conversion (2012), evangelism (2014), and the Reformation (2016). The theme of T4G 2018 is holiness–being distinct from the world.

The robust combination of pre-conferences, books, singing, seminars, panels, gatherings, plenaries, and fellowship make T4G a conference unique in the history of the world. If you are unable to attend, however, you can still benefit from T4G, both this year and from previous years.

Here are five ways you can benefit from Together for the Gospel.

1. View this year’s live stream. 

Beginning on Wednesday, April 11, at 1 PM EST, you can tune in anytime between Wednesday and Friday free of charge by visiting Additionally, you can keep up with the conference on social media: Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Here are this year’s plenary speakers and their topics.

Speaker Title

Thabiti Anyabwile
Distinctive Living In an Age of False Teaching (Jude 17-25)

Matt Chandler
Citizens of Heaven: In the World But Not Of

Mark Dever
Holiness Together

Kevin DeYoung
The God Who Is Not Like Us: Why We Need the Doctrine of Divine Immutability, (James 1:17)

Ligon Duncan
The Whole in Our Holiness (Lev 19:1-37)

John MacArthur
Sanctification and the Pastor’s Passion (Gal 4:19)

H.B. Charles
The Message of the Cross (1 Cor 1: 18-25)

Albert Mohler
And Such Were Some of You (1 Cor 5:1-6:11)

John Piper
New God, New Gospel, New Gladness: How is Christian Joy Distinct (Ps 4:7)

David Platt
Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters: Reconciliation and Our Need for Repentance (Amos 5:21-24)

2. Listen to the plenary talks, panels, and seminars of the past. 

At, there is a resource tab that provides audio and video of previous conferences. Looking for something to listen to or watch? Feast on the rich preaching, teaching, and conversations that have taken place at T4G.

3. Think through the theological affirmations and denials of T4G.

Theological affirmations and denials were presented at the inaugural T4G (2006) by its founders: Ligon Duncan, Albert Mohler, C.J. Mahaney, and Mark Dever. It would be a be a fruitful exercise to walk through the document as a Christian or pastoral staff.

4. Read the giveaway books.

T4G is a bookish conference. From the beginning, the conference has been dedicated to providing books that would equip pastors and church leaders for life and ministry. Buying the zero dollar books from the past would be a great start to a theological library. Reading the books would instruct you in sound doctrine.

5. Sing along through the live albums.

I would imagine many previous attendees of T4G would rank the corporate singing as one of its highlights. Thousands of voices join together to sing the truths of God in songs both new and old. By listening to the live albums, you too can worship God through song with thousands who have gathered at T4G.

Together for the Gospel 2018 is almost upon us. I hope these resources will benefit those unable to attend.


Brandon Freeman

Brandon Freeman is a pastor at Liberty Baptist Church and a PhD student at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2015, he graduated from Ouachita Baptist University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies. He serves as the Executive Assistant To the Vice President of Institutional Administration at MBTS.

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