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Giveaway: NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible

The 2015 NIV Zondervan Study Bible has been repackaged as the NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible. With over 20,000 verse-by-verse study notes, comprehensive book introductions, 25 articles on key themes of Scripture, and 3 introductory articles on the discipline of biblical theology, the NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible will help you better comprehend how the individual features of Scripture fit together in the grand narrative.

Contributors include Tim Keller, Kevin DeYoung, James Hamilton, Jason DeRouchie, Moises Silva, Greg Gilbert, Bruce Waltke, Sam Storms, Karen Jobes, Paul Williamson, Graham Cole, Daniel Estes, Christopher Morgen, Andreas Kostenberger, Jay Sklar, Craig Blomberg, Colin Kruse, Iain Duguid and more.

In partnership with @ZonderAcademic, we’re giving away three copies of the NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible! Follow and retweet here for a chance to win.


R. Albert Mohler, Jr. | President and Joseph Emerson Brown Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

The contributors to this volume have done the church a remarkable service. Let the NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible equip you for more faithful theological thinking and doctrinal integrity.

Timothy J. Keller | Senior Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church

This NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible is a tremendous tool for informed Bible reading and study. The notes are written by the best assembly I’ve seen of faithful, international scholars. I highly recommend this publication.

Thomas R. Schreiner | James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Professor of Biblical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

…a magnificent achievement. The illustrations are stunning and the maps are expertly done. Most important, the content in both the articles and the commentary is superb. Every Bible reader and person in ministry should turn to it often for help.

For more information about the NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible, visit this webpage at Zondervan.

Brandon Freeman

Brandon Freeman is a pastor at Liberty Baptist Church and a PhD student at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2015, he graduated from Ouachita Baptist University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies. He serves as the Executive Assistant To the Vice President of Institutional Administration at MBTS.

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