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Do all three persons of the Trinity work inseparably?

Are all of God’s operations inseparable? How should we identify each person’s work in creation, providence, redemption, and other external works of God? Why does the unity of God’s being not annul the distinctions between the persons?

In this new Credo video, Vern Poythress explains how the actions of the Father, Son, and Spirit are distinct yet inseparable. Watch other videos like this one on the Credo Video page.

Vern S. Poythress

Vern Poythress (PhD, Harvard; DTh, Stellenbosch) is Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Biblical Interpretation at Westminster Theological Seminary, where he has taught for 42 years. He is the author of numerous books including In the Beginning Was the Word: Language, A God-Centered ApproachChance and the Sovereignty of GodGod-Centered Biblical InterpretationInerrancy and WorldviewLogic: A God-Centered ApproachThe Returning King: A Guide to the Book of Revelation, and Symphonic Theology: The Validity of Multiple Perspectives in TheologyYou can also find resources and articles from Dr. Poythress at
