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A Look Inside the New Issue of Credo Magazine

The new issue of Credo Magazine has arrived: The Impassibility of God.

Does he experience emotional change? Is he subject to mood swings like his creatures? And does God suffer like we do? In the history of the church, Christians have answered with an emphatic “No!” Since God is immutable, he must also be impassible. But lately, evangelicals have changed their tune in an attempt to make God far more relational and immanent. In this issue, a case is made for divine impassibility, one that refuses to turn God into a victim, or make him vulnerable to emotional fluctuation and suffering. With contributions from top pastors and scholars, this issue goes back to the scriptures which portray God as so infinite, so maximally alive, so immutably perfect, that he must be a God of impassibility.

Here’s a look inside the contents of the new issue.

Featured Articles

Is Impassibility Really Biblical? Why impassibility is far more biblical than some think by Charles J. Rennie

Why I no longer believe in a passible God: My journey out of social trinitarianism to Nicene orthodoxy by Craig A. Carter

Can an Impassible God Love? Why an impassible love is not a contradiction for God by Thomas G. Weinandy

Impassibility in the Church Fathers: Why the Great Tradition affirmed impassibility by Gerald Bray

What is Impassibility? Defining a forgotten attribute by James M. Renihan


Herman Bavinck’s doctrine of God is like no other by Gayle Doornbos

A dangerous idea: God suffers by Matthew Barrett


God without weakness: Paul Helm explains why impassibility matters

10 Questions with Gerald McDermott: What McDermott has learned from Jonathan Edwards, Orthodox Anglicanism, and cancer

Book Reviews

How to grow in grace: David Powlison’s insight into sanctification by Michael Nelson

Would the real Catholic Church please stand up? What remains at stake 500 years after the Reformation by Korey D. Maas

The challenge of Christian Education: Building institutions in an age of uncertainty by Tim Tomlinson

Read the new issue today: The Impassibility of God.

Brandon Freeman

Brandon Freeman is a pastor at Liberty Baptist Church and a PhD student at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2015, he graduated from Ouachita Baptist University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies. He serves as the Executive Assistant To the Vice President of Institutional Administration at MBTS.

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