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The Foundation of all our Communion with God and Comfortable Dependence on Him

The doctrine of God is most certainly a complicated topic. Yet, if pastors find themselves in a fog when approaching the doctrine, then it is almost guaranteed that their people will misunderstand the Father. Seeing that knowing God and believing rightly about Him is foundational to the Christian faith, pastors must pursue a correct understanding of Theology Proper. Without such an understanding, mistakes are sure to arise within one’s perception of bibliology, christology, pneumatology, soteriology, and throughout the entirety of their doctrinal system. However, how does someone gain clarity on such a lofty – indeed such an “incomprehensible” – doctrine?

In this lecture, which opened the Southern California Reformed Baptist Pastors Conference, Dr. James Renihan highlights how the doctrine of God is woven throughout the London Baptist Confession. As such, “that what we believe about God is the basis for our growing and maturing discipleship.” Although pastors may “stumble to express the ineffable and stammer as [they] consider the incomprehensible” the men and women under their teaching need to hear of the God who holds all doctrine together. Theology – especially difficult theology – is exactly what the Church needs.

This video begins a short series on Credo Magazine in which James Renihan and James Dolezal help pastors better understand this difficult, but necessary and immensely rewarding, doctrine.


James M. Renihan

James Renihan (PhD) is President of IRBS Theological Seminary in Mansfield, TX. He has authored several books including True Love and Edification and Beauty

Timothy Gatewood

Timothy Gatewood is an adjunct professor for Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary where he teaches courses in theology, philosophy, history, and Christian political thought. He serves as the executive editor of Credo Magazine and the associate director of the Center for Classical Theology. Timothy is the author of Truth Not Served By Human Hands (Christian Focus, forthcoming), and his work has been featured in The Lost Sermons of C.H. Spurgeon, the Midwestern Journal of Theology, Didaktikos Journal, and before the Evangelical Theological Society.
