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Dr.Barrett Credo Final-0097

Eavesdrop on a Theological Conversation: Recent Episodes of the Credo Podcast

Are you looking to deepen your understanding of theology? In the last several episodes of the Credo Podcast, the conversations have revolved around important topics concerning theology and philosophy. From Plato and Calvin to Frankenstein and inseparable operations, these conversations pose significant questions for the church today. For more teaching on the importance of theology and philosophy, see Dr. Barrett’s most recent book, Simply Trinity: The Unmanipulated Father, Son, and Spirit (Baker, 2021).

In each episode, Matthew Barrett talks with fellow theologians about the most important doctrines of the faith. Listen in today and grow in your knowledge of who God is and what he has done in Christ Jesus. Below are some of the most recent episodes of the Credo Podcast now available on Soundcloud, Spotify, and iTunes. You can listen to all episodes on the Credo Podcast page.

Why I became an Evangelical Theologian: Matthew Barrett and Daniel Treier

Inseparable Operations: Good News for Salvation? Matthew Barrett and Adonis Vidu

What made Calvin a theologian and a pastor? Matthew Barrett and Bruce Gordon

What Does Plato have to do with Jesus? Matthew Barrett and Louis Markos

What does Jesus have to do with Frankenstein? Matthew Barrett and Karen Swallow Prior

Can the past help us live less anxiously in the present? Matthew Barrett and Alan Jacobs

Lance English

Lance English is an editor for Credo Magazine and a Ph.D. student in Systematic Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He serves as a pastor at Trinity Church in Kansas City and is married to Brielle.
