Why the Nicene Creed in the BFM
The Creed summarizes the written Word to exalt the living Word, says Malcolm Yarnell. It is always the right time to preserve and protect for future generations the truth concerning Jesus as “very God of very God.” As the Southern Baptist Convention’s Annual Meeting approaches Malcolm Yarnell encourages Southern Baptists to understand the value of the Nicene Creed to help preserve correct Trinitarian doctrine.
Next week at the Southern Baptist Convention, Andrew Brown, Stephen Lorance, Steve McKinion, and Malcolm Yarnell will move that the Messengers amend the BFM with the article, “The Creed.” The creed they are referring to is none other than the Nicene Creed and in this Credo essay they provide three reasons why they believe the time to do so is now. May we ask that you pray for these men and please consider supporting this move for the sake of the church.