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light to nations

A Light to the Nations


On Credo’s “Reviews” page, David Rogers has written a review of Michael Goheen’s new book, A Light to the Nations: The Missional Church and the Biblical Story. Rogers begins,

Michael Goheen is Geneva Professor of Worldview and Religious Studies at Trinity Western University, Langley, B.C., Canada, Teaching Fellow in Mission and World Christianity at Regent College in Vancouver, and Minister of Preaching at New West Christian Reformed Church, in Burnaby, B.C. As a specialist in the subjects of Christian worldview and missiology, in addition to his own extensive resume of publications and lectures, he has dedicated special study to the missiology of Lesslie Newbigin, and acknowledges his indebtedness to Newbigin for his own understanding of the missional church.

As the title indicates, A Light to the Nations: The Missional Church and the Biblical Story is first and foremost a survey of what the Bible itself throughout the pages of its redemptive narrative teaches with regard to the missional role of the church. For Goheen, missional is not just a trendy term or a new way of “doing church,” but rather the primary biblical model for defining the church’s identity across the ages. As over against the traditional evangelical model, which over the past several centuries has focused largely on the sending of individuals to proclaim a message of individual salvation in cross-cultural settings, the missional model focuses on the entire church embodying mission as a community, seeking to live out on the public stage of surrounding culture the oftentimes counter-cultural values of the kingdom of God.

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