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New Conference: Beholding the Wonder of Trinitarian Relations

If you enjoyed the last issue of Credo Magazine, “The Trinity and the Christian Life,” then you will want to hear about an exciting new theology conference taking place on September 20-21 at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The theme of this year’s conference is: “Beholding the Wonder of Trinitarian Relations.” Space is limited, so register now for this exciting conference, featuring speakers such as Wayne Grudem, Fred Sanders, Robert Letham, Scott Horrell, and Lewis Ayres. You can find out more about the conference here. And here is an overview:


The Christian faith affirms that there is one and only one God, yet the nature of this one God is possessed fully and eternally by three divine persons—by the Father, and by the Son, and by the Holy Spirit.  The “oneness” of God, then, is seen in the one undivided nature of God, while the “threeness” of God rests fundamentally in the relationships each divine person has with each of the other persons.  Our theology conference will give special attention to understanding more clearly just how the relations of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit maintain real and genuine distinctions among the Trinity of persons without jeopardizing their full unity in and through the one eternal divine nature.


Wayne Grudem is research professor of theology and biblical studies at Phoenix Seminary in Phoenix, Ariz. He is a graduate of Harvard, Westminster Theological Seminary and the University of Cambridge. He is a former president of the Evangelical Theological Society, a co-founder and former president of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and general editor for the ESV Study Bible. His other books include Systematic Theology, Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and Business for the Glory of God. He and his wife, Margaret, have been married since 1969 and have three adult sons.

Fred Sanders is associate professor of theology at the Torrey Honors Institute at Biola University. He is a graduate of Murray State University, Asbury Theological Seminary and the Graduate Theological Union. He is the co-editor of Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective and The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything. Sanders and his wife, Susan, have two children.

Robert Letham is senior lecturer in systematic and historical theology and director of research at Wales Evangelical School of Theology. He also teaches at Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia. A Presbyterian minister, he has pastored churches in New Jersey and Delaware, including 17 years as senior minister. He has written several books, including The Work of Christ, The Lord’s Supper, The Holy Trinity, Through Western Eyes, The Westminster Assembly: Reading its Theology in Historical Context and Union with Christ. He and his wife, Joan, have three adult children.

Scott Horrell is professor of theological studies at Dallas Theological Seminary and adjunct professor at the Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary and the Seminário Teológico Centroamericano in Guatemala. Most of his ministry years have been outside the United States and have centered on theological education and pastoral training. He also was the co-founder and editor of Vox Scripturae, a Protestant journal in Latin America. He is the author of From the Ground Up. Horrell and his wife, Ruth, have eight grandchildren.

Lewis Ayres currently serves as professor of Catholic and historical theology at the University of Durham. He formerly taught at Emory University. He has published books about the history of Trinitarian theology, Augustine and the relationship between doctrine and Scripture. Among his publications are Nicaea and Its Legacy, Augustine and the Trinity and a contribution to the special edition of Modern Theology. He is currently writing about the development of early Christian exegesis. He and his wife, who also teaches theology, are editing the Oxford Handbook of Catholic Theology. They have four children.
