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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. The New Calvinism: A Triumph of the OldBy Rick Phillips – Phillips notes: “Old Calvinists should look on the New as a signal advance achieved by the labors of our own preachers and authors, in answer to long-offered prayers, in spreading glorious salvation truths to brothers and sisters who need them.”

2. Four Ways You Should Pray for Your PastorsBy J.D. Greear – Greear notes: “Pray that we share the gospel message boldly and unashamedly in our community. The gospel of grace does what nothing else can—it transforms us from the inside out. May we never move beyond it.”

3. Christians, We Are RepentersBy Trevin Wax – Wax says: “I pray that in the West, we will be like our Romanian brothers and sisters: dissatisfied with the idea of being Christian in name only, and passionate about living as ‘repenters’ who have tasted the goodness and grace of God and can never be the same again.”

4. Predestination: Should We Even Talk About It?By Daniel Hyde – Hyde points out that: “Yes, we should talk about predestination. We should talk about it in a way that leads sinners to Jesus Christ, which brings God eternal glory, and which brings God’s people eternal comfort.”

5. Gospel-Centered Reduction: Slighting The SpiritBy Nate Claiborne – Claiborne notes: “We would do better to speak with accuracy of the God of the gospel, even if that means not using the word gospel. We can be gospel-centered in the way we talk about God and the Christian life without using the term ‘gospel-centered.'”

Matt Manry is the Director of Discipleship at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Religion at Reformed Theological Seminary and a Masters of Arts in Christian and Classical Studies from Knox Theological Seminary. He blogs regularly at
