Center for Classical Theology Lecture with Michael Horton in San Diego - REGISTER
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Remain in the Love of God

A Poem from Jude

Fruitless, twice dead trees in eternal sleep.

Full-bellied shepherds leading starving sheep.

Waterless clouds swept along by the winds.

Wild waves of the sea, casting up vile sins.


Those who love darkness feast without fear,

Unconcerned with the judgement drawing near.

Denial, perversion, defiling the flesh—

Woe to these sinners who wander towards death.


Beloved, yours is a higher calling:

To stand firm in a culture that is falling.

His grace alone will keep your feet steady.

To face false teachers you must be ready—


Ready to have mercy on those who doubt,

Ready to save others by snatching them out,

Ready to pray for divisions to mend,

Ready to rest in a love with no end.


Build yourselves up in the faith and bear fruit;

Let the water of life nourish your roots.

Stand firm upon the foundation of Christ;

Gratefully remembering his sacrifice.


Beloved, remain in the love of God.


The God who created worlds with His words,

The God who provides even for birds,

The God who offers the water of life,

The God whose voice calms every wave of strife.


Beloved, share the Gospel without restraint;

Defend the faith delivered to the saints.


Photo credit: Nata Luna Sans

Grace Pike

Grace Pike is pursuing her Masters of Divinity at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, MO. It is her joy to continually be growing in the grace and knowledge of her Savior Jesus Christ, and her prayer to bring people from all nations into the everlasting, joyous satisfaction of knowing and worshiping Him.

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