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Credo January 2014 Cover Slider

New Issue! “Justification: The Doctrine On Which the Church Stands or Falls”

The new issue of Credo Magazine is now here! “Justification: The Doctrine On Which the Church Stands or Falls.” We have some amazing contributors to this January’s issue. Allow me to draw your attention to the following:

“N. T. Wright Under Review: Revisiting the Apostle Paul and His Doctrine of Justification.” By Thomas Schreiner

“Is Justification by Faith Alone Still the Dividing Line?” Matthew Barrett talks to Michael Horton, Philip Ryken, J. V. Fesko, Guy Waters, Brian Vickers, and Korey Maas

“The Biblical Beauty of Sola Fide: Understanding Faith in Christ with John Owen.” By Matthew Barrett

“Let the Children Come to Jesus.” By Fred Zaspel

“From Skeptic to Believer: R. Michael Allen Explains What Justification Has to Do with the Gospel and Why It Changed His Life.” (Feature Interview)

There are many, many other columns, books reviews, and articles.

Here is the magazine:

To view the Magazine as a PDF [download format=”2″ id=”11″]

Justification: The Doctrine On Which the Church Stands or Falls

While we could point to many different factors that led the sixteenth century Protestant Reformers to break from Rome, perhaps one that would be at the very top of the list is the doctrine of justification by faith alone. For Luther and Calvin, this doctrine is the very hinge on which the Christian religion turns. In part this is because sola fide is what sets Protestants apart. While every other religion puts something of man into the equation, Protestantism removes man’s works from the justification formula altogether. Therefore, the “sola” in sola fide makes all the difference in the world.

With over 2,000 years of church history in our rear view mirror, it appears that sola fide is a doctrine that comes under discussion in every generation. Our generation is no exception. Much dialogue continues over the New Perspective on Paul, Protestant and Catholic statements of agreement, and the relationship between justification and the Christian life. In this issue I am proud to welcome some of the finest thinkers on the subject in order to better understand what Scripture says about how sinners can be made right with a holy God.

Contributors include Thomas Schreiner, Michael Allen, Michael Horton, Philip Ryken, J.V. Fesko, Matthew Barrett, Korey Maas, Guy Waters, Brian Vickers, Fred Zaspel, and many others.

And here is the cover and contents page to get you started:

January 2014

Contents from Credo January 2014
