Center for Classical Theology Lecture with Michael Horton in San Diego - REGISTER
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Haykin on The Apostle Paul (MP3s)

Who was the apostle Paul? What was his life and ministry all about? What was his mission to Spain about? Why did Paul emphasize “leaning on the Holy Spirit”? This past July Michael A.G. Haykin delivered a series of messages at the Muskoka Bible Centre answering these very questions, looking at specific passages in the New Testament. Haykin is an excellent speaker and more importantly a scholar with a passion for God’s Word and the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are glad to have him as part of our contributors here at Credo and hope you benefit from these messages.

July 25, 2011 – “The Road to Damascus” (MP3) Michael Haykin

July 26, 2011 – “Paul’s Mission to Spain” (MP3) Michael Haykin

July 26, 2011 – “The Gospel He Preached Was A Message of Love” (MP3) Michael Haykin

July 27, 2011 – “The Struggle of Prayer” (MP3) Michael Haykin

July 28, 2011 – “Issues of Leadership” (MP3) Michael Haykin

July 29, 2011 – “Lean on the Spirit” Michael Haykin

Also, if you were not with us last week, check out Haykin’s messages on John Calvin.


Michael A. G. Haykin is Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has authored numerous books including: The Spirit of God: The Exegesis of 1 and 2 Corinthians in the Pneumatomachian Controversy of the Fourth Century (E. J. Brill, 1994); One Heart and One Soul: John Sutcliff of Olney, His Friends, and His Times (Evangelical Press, 1994); Kiffin, Knollys and Keach: Rediscovering Our English Baptist Heritage (Reformation Today Trust, 1996); ‘At the Pure Fountain of Thy Word’: Andrew Fuller as an Apologist (Paternoster Press, 2004); Jonathan Edwards: The Holy Spirit in Revival (Evangelical Press, 2005); The God Who Draws Near: An Introduction to Biblical Spirituality (Evangelical Press, 2007); The Christian Lover: The Sweetness of Love and Marriage in the Letters of Believers (Reformation Trust, 2009); The Empire of the Holy Spirit (Borderstone Press, 2010); Rediscovering the Church Fathers: Who They Were and How They Shaped the Church (Crossway, 2011). Haykin is the director of the Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies and blogs at Historia ecclesiastica. Haykin is married to Alison and they have two children, Victoria and Nigel.

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