New Course on Calvinism from John Piper
From Desiring God ministries: The Bible gives us a glorious vision of God’s sovereignty in saving sinners. “Calvinism” is a kind of nickname for this Christian body of doctrine on salvation that so appropriately humbles humanity and so magnificently exalts divine grace.
In a new eight-hour course on Calvinism, or “the doctrines of grace,” John Piper walks through the historical “five points,” digging into text after text of Scripture and responding to many of the most common questions.
“The doctrines of grace,” Piper explains, “give the lowest view of the saved person as utterly depraved and hopeless in himself, and the highest view of the saved person as individually chosen and loved and purchased at infinite cost.”
These truths expose our desperate neediness, such that the subtlest form of boasting in ourselves becomes ridiculous. And at the same time, they highlight the grace of God such that we marvel with the apostle Paul, “To him be glory forever” (Romans 11:36).
TULIP (Part 1) — Introduction: Why Is Calvinism Relevant?
This class is devoted to building foundations under Romans 8:28 so we can survive. If you think we’re in this for fun and games, for a kind of theological ear-scratching, you don’t understand anything. The things that come at us in our lives cannot be managed by fluff. These are survival techniques.
TULIP (Part 2) — Irresistible Grace (Piper starts with “I”)
God’s saving grace can be resisted and will be resisted by all human beings until God acts to overcome the resistance. When God decides to overcome your resistance to anything he can do it, without turning you into a robot.
TULIP (Part 3) — Irresistible Grace continued; Total Depravity
Christians ought to be supremely concerned about the invisible aspects of our nature. And I am arguing that when we get there, it’s really bad. . . . I don’t think most Americans feel nearly bad enough about how bad we are.
TULIP (Part 4) — Total Depravity continued; Unconditional Election
The reason we come to Jesus is because we belong to God… The call of God provides the decisive cause of faith.
TULIP (Part 5) — Unconditional Election continued; Limited Atonement
How do we know if we are the elect? Are you calling God “Father?” Do you call Jesus your Lord? You pursue the knowledge of your election indirectly. You pursue it by submitting to the lordship of Jesus and you pursue it by embracing God as your Father through Jesus Christ and his atoning work.
TULIP (Part 6) — Limited Atonement continued; Perseverance of the Saints
I love the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints. The older I get the more I love it. In a sense you should love it when you are young because it is the reason you can believe you’ll be a Christian in 60 years. But once you have lived those 60 years you look back and say, “Amazing. He is amazing.”