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Four Views on the Historical Adam – edited by Matthew Barrett and Ardel Caneday

Matthew Barrett and Ardel B. Caneday are the editors of a new Zondervan book called, Four Views on the Historical Adam (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology). As a part of the Counterpoints series, Four Views on the Historical Adam clearly outlines four primary views on Adam held by evangelicals, featuring top-notch proponents of each view presenting their positions in their own words and critiquing the positions with which they disagree. You will come away with a better understanding of the key biblical and theological issues at stake and of the implications of Adam for contemporary Christian witness and church life.

Cover3-198x3001Here is the table of contents:

Introduction: Adam, to be or not to be? Matthew Barrett and Ardel Caneday

No Historical Adam: Evolutionary Creation View, by Denis O. Lamoureux

A Historical Adam: Archetypal Creation View, by John H. Walton

A Historical Adam: Old-Earth Creation View, by C. John Collins

A Historical Adam: Young-Earth Creation View, by William D. Barrick

Pastoral Reflection 1: Whether or Not There was a Historical Adam, Our Faith is Secure, by Gregory A. Boyd

Pastoral Reflection 2: We Cannot Understand the World or Our Faith Without a Real, Historical Adam, by Philip G. Ryken

Each focuses his essay on answering the following questions:

What is the biblical case for your viewpoint, and how do you reconcile it both with modern science and with passages and potential interpretations that seem to counter it?

In what ways is your view more theologically consistent and coherent than other views?

What are the implications of your view for the spiritual life and public witness of the church and individual believers, and how is your view a healthier alternative for both?

Purchase a copy of Four Views on the Historical Adam today!

Also, each of the contributors will be presenting on their chapters at ETS in Baltimore this week. The series of presentations will take place on Tuesday from 8:30-11:40 am in BCC-337 (you can find more information in the catalog on p. 18).

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