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You Saw It On Credo: Vanhoozer, Piper, Chandler

Each week we will be featuring “You Saw It on Credo” which will highlight some of the best videos on the web. Our purpose is to provide you with resources that can help you in your Christian life. Here is what we have for you this week:

What Are Theologians For (Kevin Vanhoozer)

Kevin Vanhoozer recently gave a lecture at TEDS entitled “What Are Theologians For? Why Doctors of the Church Should Prescribe Doctrine.” He concludes in the following manner.

“The real work of theology is, indeed, farming. Theologians are for growing healthy disciples who know how to live along the grain of the created order as it is being renewed in Christ. Theologians are for ministering health to the body of Christ, for helping its members to become little Christs. This is no waste of time. It is the way to redeem the time by cultivating godliness that is the lived knowledge of God. We might say that the real work of theology is the work of getting real, of conforming our speech, thought, and actions to the mind and heart of Jesus Christ who is the index of reality, the repository of all.”

CROSS Conference (Piper, Dever, Chandler)

The inaugural CROSS Conference also took place recently. CROSS exists for the global purpose of magnifying the kingly majesty of Jesus Christ. The focus is on all the unreached peoples of the world where Jesus is not worshiped as God and Savior. To that end CROSS aims to mobilize students for the most dangerous and loving cause in the universe: rescuing people from eternal suffering and bringing them into the everlasting joy of friendship with Jesus. All the videos from this event are available here, but here are several to look at.

Jeremy Kimble (PhD, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is Assistant Professor of Theological Studies at Cedarville University. He is an editor for Credo Magazine as well as the author of That His Spirit May Be Saved: Church Discipline as a Means to Repentance and Perseverance and numerous book reviews. He is married to Rachel and has two children, Hannah and Jonathan.

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