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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. Sustainable PreachingBy Dan Doriani – Doriani says: “The wise pastor still listens to people and reads widely, so he can engage the imagination of his listeners and apply the word to them effectively. And the sort of reading and planning advocated here makes it easier for the speaker to see where facts, events, and human concerns belong in the teaching ministry of the church.”

2. Treading Through the Tenets: Of Metaphysics and MarriageBy Scott Oliphint – Oliphint notes: “The only solution to these problems is in the revelation of the gospel. Only when God’s natural revelation is sufficiently supplemented by his special revelation will metaphysics and marriage find their proper path.”

3. Cutting through the Confusion about What to Call “the New Calvinism”By Timothy Paul Jones – Jones says: “To identify the current Reformation-oriented crowd as “neo-Calvinist” is to confuse a venerable movement that focuses on God’s sovereignty over creation with a current movement that focuses on God’s sovereignty in salvation. The result is a blurred definition that does disservice to persons in each group, especially since some of us do theology in ways that derive in different ways from both movements.

4. Called to Be Uncool ChristiansBy N.D. Wilson– Wilson says: “Truth and ultimate glory may be in the hands of our Maker, but the keys of earthly shame are in the hands of the mob. Prophets must be immune to floggings on Facebook and Twitter.”

5. Why Church Guests ReturnBy Thom Rainer– Rainer notes: “People want to be in a church that stands firm in its beliefs and displays doctrinal integrity. They want to be in a place of passion.  They need to see a preacher that pours himself into his message because he knows the power of the gospel.”

Matt Manry is the Director of Discipleship at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Religion at Reformed Theological Seminary and a Masters of Arts in Christian and Classical Studies from Knox Theological Seminary. He blogs regularly at
