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Luther and Calvin

Why remember the solas of the Reformation? Five sermons by Matthew Barrett

October 31st marks the anniversary of the Reformation, specifically that day when Martin Luther posted his 95 theses. Reformation Day is an excellent opportunity to reflect upon the five solas of the Reformation: Sola scriptura (scripture alone), solus christus (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), sola fide (faith alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). These doctrines, however, should not merely be of historical importance, but should impact the church today. Matthew Barrett recently devoted five sermons to these doctrines, not only bringing to life the history of the Reformation, but demonstrating why these truths matter so much for the church today. Barrett is assistant professor of Christian Studies at California Baptist University and executive editor of Credo Magazine. He is also senior pastor of Fellowship Baptist Church, where these sermons were preached.

Sola Scriptura – By Scripture Alone


Solus Christus – By Christ Alone


Sola Gratia – By Grace Alone


Sola Fide – By Faith Alone


Soli Deo Gloria – To God Alone be the Glory


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