Center for Classical Theology Lecture with Michael Horton in San Diego - REGISTER
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Prayer Must Be Made Before Anything Else

We know Scripture says to pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17). Spurgeon offers us a helpful reminder that before we do any action we must pray. This shows forth our dependence on God, knowing that every good gift is from Him and rely on Him for life and breath and everything. May our days and moments be filled with prayer, and may we not seek to begin any venture apart from the strength and wisdom that only come from God.

Notice, that it was a prayer that came before anything else. It does not say that Nehemiah set a watch and then prayed, but, ‘nevertheless we made our prayer unto our God, and set a watch.’ Prayer must always be the fore horse of the team! Do whatever else is wise, but not until you have prayed! Send for the physician if you are sick, but first pray. Take the medicine if you have a belief that it will do you good, but first pray. Go and talk to the man who has slandered you, if you think you ought to do so, but first pray. ‘Well, I am going to do so and so,’ says one, ‘and I shall pray for a blessing on it afterwards.’ Do not begin it until you have prayed! Begin, continue and end everything with prayer, but especially begin with prayer. Some people would never begin what they are going to do if they prayed about it first, for they could not ask God’s blessing upon it.

Jeremy Kimble (PhD, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is Assistant Professor of Theological Studies at Cedarville University. He is an editor for Credo Magazine as well as the author of That His Spirit May Be Saved: Church Discipline as a Means to Repentance and Perseverance and numerous book reviews. He is married to Rachel and has two children, Hannah and Jonathan.


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