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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. One Professor’s Journey from Scientology to ChristBy Michael Svigel– Svigel says: “Though the content of my faith has been refined over the past 25 years, it has never wavered. Yes, I’ve had doubts, disappointments, and momentary deviations from the straight path. But Christ has kept his promise never to forsake me. And no matter how or where I’ve wandered, he has always restored me to faith, courage, and a holy walk by the abiding Spirit.”

2. Delighting in Death?By Carl Trueman – Trueman notes: “And why does modern liberalism on matters of abortion and suicide so often go along with advocating the annihilation of the significance of bodily difference in the realm of sexuality? Some people seem to take a pride in such things which cannot be explained by merely pragmatic criteria such as convenience and choice. Something deeper, something more spiritual, something more sinister, is at work here.”

3. Does Calvinism Discourage Evangelism?By Nathan Busenitz – Busenitz says: “Whether we look to Scripture or church history, we quickly learn that a belief in God’s sovereign election — properly understood — is no deterrent to a passionate witness. In reality, it has the opposite effect.”

4. Spurgeon Almost QuitBy Christian George – George says: “At the age of twenty-two, Charles Spurgeon almost quit the ministry. He and his wife, Susannah, had been married less than one year. Their sons, Charles and Thomas, were infants. After three years in the big city, Spurgeon’s ministry had solicited envy from his opponents, admiration from the evangelicals, and criticism from the press. Susannah often hid the morning newspaper to prevent Charles from reading its headlines.”

5. How to Ignore Jesus While Accepting Your ChristianityBy Seth McBee – McBee says: “Here’s the big difference between us and Jesus. Jesus was willing to spend three years of life with the few in stages 1 and 2. He knew if he did when the disciples were sent out they’d look a lot like him instead of a muddy image of the original.”

Matt Manry is the Assistant Pastor at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Religion at Reformed Theological Seminary and a Masters of Arts in Christian and Classical Studies from Knox Theological Seminary.

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