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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. 5 Ways We Fight For ChildrenBy Phillip Holmes– Holmes says: “When the world sees us love little ones in these ways, they will be forcefully and beautifully confronted with the love of God himself. These are the fruits — the offspring — of his adopting love for sinners, welcoming them and all their sin into his family forever. Few things tell the story of the gospel more clearly and more tangibly than our passionate, persistent love for the young and defenseless, those our nation so cavalierly and shockingly discard.”

2. Too Busy to See We’re BlindBy Paul Maxwell – Maxwell notes: “Jesus is with you in the frantic wind tunnel of life, even when it feels like an out-of-control rat race. God may not be blocked out on your calendar, but you are an “All-Day Event” on his. When we are blinded with busyness, he still sees us, and pursues us, and anoints us with his rest.”

3. Julie Rodgers, Tyler Huckabee and Their Mistake about JesusBy Owen Strachan – Strachan says: “The culture tells those pulled toward homosexuality that it has great things to offer them: affirmation and friendship and a community. Traditional Christianity, it says, offers them only judgment and loneliness. This can seem persuasive, but it’s a counterfeit version of human flourishing. See what the Church, the true community, holds before us all: Jesus Christ, the light of the world. Christ, who bore our sins on the tree. Christ, a single man who never tousled his child’s hair, who shared no marital intimacy, who knew none of the joys and struggles of earthly marriage.”

4. The Wrath of God Warms My HeartBy Peyton Hill- Hill says: “Proclaim Jesus and his gospel, but make sure to proclaim the love of Jesus within the context of his wrath. That’s where the good stuff is.”

5. Yes, many Christian communities are toxic for my LBGT friends. But there’s moreBy Wesley Hill – Hill says: “What would our churches look like if we believed that those words were true of the gay and celibate among us? What if our churches gave gay Christians the same honor Jesus gives them? How would we have to change.”

Matt Manry is the Assistant Pastor at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He writes at

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