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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. I Am An Old-Fashioned Christian: Tim Challies – Challies says, “I get the books. I read the articles. I see the news. Christianity seems ready to move on. And I realize anew: I am an old-fashioned kind of Christian.”

2. The New Food LegalismGriffin Gulledge – Gulledge notes, “Ours is the God who sees no more inherent value in a six pack of Coca Cola than in six pack abs. Maybe it is the comfortability that has seeped so deeply into the American church that has caused us to turn our attentions to our own waistbands and the waistbands of those around us.”

3. Tim Keller’s GeniusJonathan Storment – Storment says, “I can’t summarize all of this part of the book, but if you are a preacher who is trying to communicate the story of God to people where they actually live, I can’t recommend this section of the book highly enough.  Tim Keller has done the hard work of living in a pluralistic post-Christian society without talking past the people he disagrees with. He has done the hard work of learning to think like a missionary in his context.”

4. Help in Overcoming Church Hurt: Josh Moody – Moody notes, “As a pastor of a church, I’ve heard stories from people who have found church confusing, contrarian, or even damaging. Not every church hurts people, but most churches have hurt someone at some point. Some people are hurt through their own mistakes, others because of sin committed against them, and still others because of failed leadership. This reality can leave them reluctant to re-engage, afraid of being hurt again, wanting to protect themselves, and questioning the place of church in their lives. The good news for the hurting is that God has spoken to your pain in the Bible.”

5. Have Evangelicals Who Support Trump Lost Their Values?Russell Moore – Moore says, “Still, the problem is not just Mr. Trump’s personal lack of a moral compass. He is, after all, a casino and real estate mogul who has built his career off gambling, a moral vice and an economic swindle that oppresses the poorest and most desperate. When Mr. Trump’s casinos fail, he can simply file bankruptcy and move on. The lives and families destroyed by the casino industry cannot move on so easily.”

Matt Manry is the Assistant Pastor at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He writes at

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