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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. Overcoming Anxiety: Claire Westbrook – Claire says, “If you are feeling overwhelmed by any sort of mental illness, seek help immediately. You need people to walk through this with you. Never in my life have I been so carried by the community of believers around me. There may be a long, exhausting road ahead of you, but there is hope. There is light on the other side.”

2. The Needless Complexity of Academic Writing: Victoria Clayton – Clayton notes, “The idea that writing should be clear, concise, and low-jargon isn’t a new one—and it isn’t limited to government agencies, of course. The problem of needlessly complex writing—sometimes referred to as an ‘opaque writing style’—has been explored in fields ranging from law to science. Yet in academia, unwieldy writing has become something of a protected tradition.”

3. Pastoral PTSD: J.A. Medders – Medders says, “God’s grace toward you is not in vain. He is your sanity, stability, and Savior. He himself will restore you, and empower your for where you are and what lies ahead.”

4. The Loneliness of Suffering: Vaneetha Rendall – Rendall notes, “This path of suffering, of heartache, of loneliness takes me directly to my Savior. Which is the lone path worth taking. For only Jesus can heal me.”

5. Choosing the Right Seminary: Kevin DeYoung – DeYoung says, “Every single year, for the twelve years I’ve been the pastor at University Reformed Church, I’ve advised young men on where to go to seminary. They haven’t all been looking for the same things, and they haven’t all gone to the same place. But they all were looking for the school that would be right for them.”

Matt Manry is the Assistant Pastor at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He writes at
