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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. Theology That Comforts the Weary Soul: Christina Fox – Fox says, “The doctrine of God’s sovereignty is an important one to study and learn during the calm seasons of life. Then when the rough winds blow and a fierce storm enters our life, we are already anchored to the truth. Rather than flounder in the seas of uncertainty and fear, we can rest in the sure comfort that all things are under our Sovereign God’s care and control.”

2. The Mountaintop Experience: Sean Nolan – Nolan says, “All of Scripture exists to reveal Christ to us—the Word that became flesh. It may not sound as exciting and appealing as some of the stories of modern miracles and sensationalism, but the saint who has spent eighty faithful years in seemingly mundane Bible reading has a better foundation than he who spent it chasing the next mountaintop experience.”

3. The World Needs Pastors: Owen Strachan – Strachan says, “Let us remember that there are few ways in which a shepherd more images the work of Christ, the kindness of God, than in his service to the suffering. The work done in this area may seem intangible. On the last day, though, I assure you that it will all be very tangible. The Lord will reward his faithful servants and his suffering shepherds.”

4. Theology Is Not a Luxury Item: Caleb Greggsen – Greggsen says, “We are not omniscient. We do not know what doctrines will help the church in East Asia, Botswana, or Iran face the challenges that lie ahead, precisely because we don’t know what challenges lie ahead. But we do know the One who knows all those things.”

5. Messages from the Edge: Suicide Notes on Social Media: Halee Gray Scott – Scott says, “Over 40,000 Americans and more than a million people worldwide die by suicide each year. It’s the country’s tenth leading cause of death overall and one of the most common causes of death among young people and people in middle age.”

Matt Manry is the Assistant Pastor at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He writes at

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