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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. How Can We Be Angry and Not Sin?: Jon Bloom – Bloom says, “There is a kind of anger that comes from our regenerate, Spirit-directed nature, even if it is unavoidably tainted by our indwelling sin as it passes through the defective filters of our minds and mouths.”

2. The Meaning of Manhood: Phillip Holmes – Holmes says, “Real manhood is a hard and uncomfortable calling, whether you’re single or married. The role of leadership God has given men isn’t an opportunity to be served, but a calling to serve sacrificially.”

3. The Thing About Old People: Steve Bezner – Bezner says, “Your senior adults are gifts from God. Many of them have lived a life of faithfulness. Remember that. You will do well to draw from the depth of their love and generosity.”

4. 5 Effortless Ways to Be Formed by God’s Word: Whitney Woollard – Woollard says, “The Bible always has been and always will be formational for the church. God gave it to us that we might orient our lives, identities, and practices around the God who has spoken.”

5. Preaching and Biblical Theology: Jim Hamilton – Hamilton notes, “Biblical narrators cast characters as negative, positive, or ambiguous as they rehearse a character’s deeds.”

Matt Manry is the Assistant Pastor at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He writes at

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