He made us better Christians: D. A. Carson on Mike Ovey’s legacy
D. A. Carson has written some very kind words reflecting on his own experience with Mike Ovey:
“Mike Ovey was equally at home talking about such Fathers as Hilary of Poitiers and Athansius of Alexandria, and tracing the intricacies of current debates on justification. He was at home in the councils of the great and the learned, and with first-year students. He commanded the attention of all who attended the 2013 GAFCON conference, and could speak engagingly in a small church in England. His theological home was the confessional Anglicanism in which he had been nurtured, but he was brother and friend to all who upheld and proclaimed the gospel in any nation and in any culture. He poured over theological tomes, and College budgets. All of this is a way of saying he was an extraordinary Christian academic, leader, and pastor, with gifts and graces that made him much more rounded and capable than most. But no less important were the times when he was ill-used by those who should have known better, and consciously rejected the way of bitterness and malice, chose the way of trust in the sovereign goodness of his heavenly Father, choosing to follow his Saviour in the way of the cross. Here was a giant of a man, however unassuming. We shall miss him, but only until the dawning of the eternal day. Until then, we quietly offer thanks to God that Mike Ovey made us better Christians than we otherwise would have been.”
Mike Ovey was a regular contributor to Themelios, the academic journal of TGC. You can read many of his contributions here. Other messages and articles by Mike can be found on our Credo Magazine page.
Matthew Barrett is Tutor of Systematic Theology and Church History at Oak Hill Theological College in London, as well as the founder and executive editor of Credo Magazine. He is the author of several books, including Salvation by Grace, Owen on the Christian Life, God’s Word Alone: The Authority of Scripture, and Reformation Theology. Currently he is the series editor of The 5 Solas Series with Zondervan. You can read more about Barrett at matthewmbarrett.com.