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The first Credo podcast episode: What is simplicity and does it matter?

The new Credo Magazine 2018 has launched and you can learn about some of its new features here. 

The relaunch of Credo rests upon three pillars:  the magazine (read), podcast (listen), and video (watch). Each has a landing page where you can choose from a variety of magazine issues, podcasts, and videos instantly.

Today we are excited to highlight the release of the first podcast episode. The podcast is designed to help you dig deep, challenging you to go into depth and learn theology from top theologians today. The podcast is really a “theological conversation” and you can listen in as I discuss the most significant doctrines of the faith with fellow theologians.

Episode #1: What is simplicity and does it matter?

What does it mean for God to be unity as opposed to a God who is compounded of parts? Are God’s attributes and essence identical? How are immutability and eternity compromised if we reject simplicity? In this episode, Dr. Matthew Barrett is joined by Dr. James Dolezal to discuss divine simplicity, the attributes of God, the importance of classical theism, and why simplicity makes all the difference for a biblical understanding of the doctrine of God.

James Dolezal (PhD Westminster Theological Seminary) is Assistant Professor of Theology in the School of Divinity at Cairn University in Langhorne, PA. Professor Dolezal is the author of two books: God without Parts: Divine Simplicity and the Metaphysics of God’s Absoluteness and All That Is in God: Evangelical Theology and the Challenge of Classical Christian Theism

Listen to the podcast today!

Matthew Barrett

Matthew Barrett is the editor-in-chief of Credo Magazine, director of the Center for Classical Theology, and host of the Credo podcast. He is professor of Christian theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the author of several books, including Simply Trinity, which won the Christianity Today Book of the Year Award in Theology/Ethics. His new book is called The Reformation as Renewal: Retrieving the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. He is currently writing a Systematic Theology with Baker Academic.

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