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Have we misunderstood the Lord’s Supper? New podcast episode with Todd Billings

Have we left out important facets of the Lord’s Supper, like its present and future components? How is Christ’s presence manifested in the Lord’s Table? What is the role of faith in receiving the Lord’s Supper as a means of grace? How does the Lord’s Supper communicate our Pneumatology as well as Christology? Why is the Lord’s Supper a test case of sorts for whether we are presenting the full gospel and its implications?

In this episode of the Credo podcast, Matthew Barrett is joined by Todd Billings to analyze why so many churches today fail to capture the meaning of the Lord’s Supper and its implications for union with Christ by the Spirit.

J. Todd Billings is the Gordon H. Girod Research Professor of Reformed Theology at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, MI, where he has served since 2005. An ordained minister in the Reformed Church in America, he received his M.Div. from Fuller Seminary and his Th.D. from Harvard. He is the author of Calvin, Participation, and the Gift: The Activity of Believers in Union with Christ as well as Remembrance, Communion, and Hope: Rediscovering the Gospel at the Lord’s Table.

Listen to the podcast today and view previous episodes of the Credo podcast as well.

J. Todd Billings

J. Todd Billings is the Gordon H. Girod Research Professor of Reformed Theology at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, MI, where he has served since 2005. An ordained minister in the Reformed Church in America, he received his M.Div. from Fuller Seminary and his Th.D. from Harvard. He is the author of Calvin, Participation, and the Gift: The Activity of Believers in Union with Christ as well as Remembrance, Communion, and Hope: Rediscovering the Gospel at the Lord’s Table.

Matthew Barrett

Matthew Barrett is the editor-in-chief of Credo Magazine, director of the Center for Classical Theology, and host of the Credo podcast. He is professor of Christian theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the author of several books, including Simply Trinity, which won the Christianity Today Book of the Year Award in Theology/Ethics. His new book is called The Reformation as Renewal: Retrieving the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. He is currently writing a Systematic Theology with Baker Academic.
