R.E.D.S. Series Giveaway
To celebrate the anniversary of the Reformation, we are giving away a set of the R.E.D.S. series from Christian Focus Publications and Mentor. The R.E.D.S. (Reformed, Exegetical, and Doctrinal Studies) series addresses a spectrum of doctrines and contemporary theological questions. While the emphasis is on refining dogmatic formulation through rigorous exegesis and exploration into each doctrine’s historical background, this is done alongside warm, earnest pastoral application–making these studies practical, as well as theologically relevant. Here are the giveaway books:
Cracking the Foundation of the New Perspective on Paul
The New Perspective on Paul claims that the Reformed understanding of justification is wrong – that it misunderstands Paul and the Judaism with which he engages. The New Perspective’s revised understanding of Second Temple Judaism provides the foundation to a new perspective. This important book seeks to show that this foundation is fundamentally faulty and cannot bear the weight it needs to carry, thus undermining the entirety of the New Perspective on Paul itself.
Chosen in Christ
Cornelius Venema revisits the important doctrine of predestination to re–familiarize the church with truths about God’s sovereignty in salvation. But he does not merely re–visit old ground but also engages a host of historic and contemporary challenges to the doctrine. He addresses the subject from exegetical, historical, contemporary, and pastoral vantage points.
Death in Adam, Life in Christ
The doctrine of imputation is the ground in which salvation is rooted. It is often seen as superfluous or splitting hairs, and yet, without it, redemption automatically becomes reliant on our own works and assurance of salvation is suddenly not so sure. J. V. Fesko works through this doctrine looking at its long history in the church, its exegetical foundation, and its dogmatic formulation. In exploring imputed guilt from the First Adam alongside the imputed righteousness from the Second, this volume offers a helpfully well-rounded explanation of the doctrine.
Clash of Visions
Each year thousands die for the Jesus they read about in the Bible. At the same time scholars worldwide reject central truths of the Book. Here, Robert Yarbrough analyzes two contrasting approaches to biblical interpretation: one which has encouraged many to abandon the Christian heritage, the other which has informed the largest numeric increase of professing Christians in world history in recent generations and which is projected to continue.
**To enter the giveaway, follow our Twitter page and retweet the giveaway.