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In what ways have the disciplines of biblical theology and historical theology been key to the task of systematics? How are we to understand Luther’s doctrine of Scripture? Are we in danger of losing the clarity of Scripture? How does the doctrine of God affect our doctrine of Scripture? How can scripture be clear when there are so many interpretations of scripture? What does the perspicuity of scripture says about its divine author?

In this new Credo podcast, Dr. Mark Thompson discusses with Matthew Barrett the nature of Scripture, hermeneutics, and biblical theology.

Dr. Mark Thompson (PhD, University of Oxford) serves as Principal of Moore College, where he is also the head of department of Theology, Philosophy, and Ethics, and has taught doctrine since 1991. His research interests include the doctrines of Scripture, Christ, and justification by faith, as well as Martin Luther and the Reformation. He is the author and editor of several books, including A Clear and Present Word: The Clarity of Scripture, and Celebrating the Reformation: Its Legacy and Continuing Relevance.

