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Who was William G. T. Shedd?

Who was William G. T. Shedd? How did Shedd connect English Literature, Church History, and Systematic Theology? Why should we read Shedd’s Dogmatic Theology? How might Shedd’s writings serve as a ballast to students and pastors?

In this Credo video, Alan Gomes talks about the importance of Shedd’s contribution and the value of it to modern students and pastors.

Alan W. Gomes

Alan W. Gomes is Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) in La Mirada, California. Dr. Gomes has published widely both for academic and for popular audiences. His most recent book is 40 Questions About Heaven and Hell (Kregel, 2018), and he is currently writing a book on the atonement. He has contributed, both as an author and as an editor, to numerous dictionary, encyclopedia, and book projects, including his work as the series editor of the acclaimed 15-volume Zondervan Guide to Cults and Religious Movements. He also edited an updated edition of W. G. T. Shedd’s Dogmatic Theology (Presbyterian and Reformed, 2004). His academic work has appeared in numerous journals, including Harvard Theological Review, Reformation and Renaissance Review, and Westminster Theological Journal.  
