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What is the Difference Between Justification and Sanctification?

What is the difference between justification and sanctification? Why is it important to articulate the distinctions between these two doctrines rather than merging them together? Can a Christian be justified without being sanctified? Do we merit our sanctification or is it given to us?

In this video, Matthew Barrett explains several notable distinctions between the doctrines of justification and sanctification and how both play significant roles in the lives of Christians.

Matthew Barrett

Matthew Barrett is the editor-in-chief of Credo Magazine, director of the Center for Classical Theology, and host of the Credo podcast. He is professor of Christian theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the author of several books, including Simply Trinity, which won the Christianity Today Book of the Year Award in Theology/Ethics. His new book is called The Reformation as Renewal: Retrieving the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. He is currently writing a Systematic Theology with Baker Academic.
