Credo Fellow Highlight: Megan DeVore
Credo is Latin for “I believe.” From the creeds of the Church Fathers to the confessions of the Reformation, Christians have been faithful to confess the faith once for all delivered to the saints. Credo retrieves this classical and reformational heritage in order to create and cultivate theological renewal today. By bridging the gap between church and academy, Credo helps churchgoers, pastors, and students alike learn theology and retrieve orthodoxy for the sake of Christian fidelity today.
However, a team effort is required if the church and academy alike are to remain faithful to this orthodox faith, a team that spans denominations and brings together some of today’s most outstanding theologians, pastors, and writers. I am pleased to welcome the Credo Fellows, each of which embodies the spirit of Credo in their own teaching and writing ministries. Each week, we are highlighting one of the new fellows, allowing you to hear more about their passions, from the halls of patristic and medieval history to the corridors of dogmatics and classical literature.
Matthew Barrett, executive editor
Megan DeVore (Ph.D., University of Wales) is Associate Professor of Church History and Early Christian Studies at Colorado Christian University. With training in Patristic to Medieval Historical Theology and Church History, as well as in art history, philosophy, and Classics, Dr. DeVore teaches a variety of courses in the Department of Theology, such as the History of Christianity, Historical Theology I, Canon Formation, Introduction to Philosophy, and Latin, as well as an occasional course for the department of Humanities, such as Roman Empire to Early Medieval World. She is the author of numerous articles and publications and occasionally serves as the guest speaker at various women’s spiritual retreats or classes for the local church. As much as teaching is a significant aspect of her life, all the more so are her husband and two young children
- Featured Guest Scholar, Christianity Today’s “Prayer Amid Pandemic” Podcast, episode 13, June 2020, topic: “Perpetua.”
- Presentation of Paper: “Prophetess, Confessor…or Benefactor? Dynamics of Benefaction in Early Christianity,” International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford University, UK. August 2019.
- Presentation of Paper, “Depicting Gender (…or is it Status?) in Early Christian Martyr Accounts,” Society of Biblical Literature Annual Conference, San Diego. November 2019.
- Presentation of Paper, “Post-Montanist: the Holy Spirit in an Early North African Martyr Account,” Evangelical Theological Society Annual Conference, Patristics to Early Medieval Section, Denver. November 2018.
- Presentation of Paper, “Dynamics of Greco-Roman Benefaction in an Early Christian Martyrdom Account,” North American Patristics Society annual meeting, Chicago. May 2018.
- Panel Presenter, “The Future of the Church: Looking Back to Look Forward Wisely,” Future of the Church Annual Summit. Group Publishing, Loveland. October 2017.
- Presentation of workshop session, “Seeing the Gospel: ‘Reading’ Christian Art,” Annual Symposium, Colorado Christian University. September 2017.
- Plenary Presenter, “Augustine and Human Flourishing,” The Commonweal Project Spring Colloquium on Human Flourishing at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. April 2017.
- ” Imitatio Christi or Imitatio Martyrum?” American Society of Church History annual meeting, Sources of Authority and Influence in Early Christianity panel. January 2017.
- “A Modern Implication of the Anthropology and Soteriology of Irenaeus.” Keynote presentation. Denver Seminary Annual Theology Colloquium. 2015.
- “New Converts or Catechumeni?” Oxford University International Patristics Conference, Women in Early Christianity panel. August 2015.
- “Story-Telling: Early Christian Doctrine Through Narrative,” Chapter 16 in A Handbook on Early Christian Doctrine, ed. M. Haykin and M. Strickland, Lexham Publishing, forthcoming.
- Perpetua, Early Church Fathers Series, ed. M. Haykin and S. Wilhite. Christian Focus Publishing, forthcoming.
- “Our Single Object and Ambition was Virtue: Friendship Among the Cappadocians,” Christian History Magazine 132, November 2019.
- “The Labors of Our Occupation: Can Augustine Offer Any Insight on Vocation?” SBJT22.1 (2018).
- “St. Augustine’s Confessions,” CCU Review, Summer Issue 2020.
- “Catechumeni: Revisiting Conversion and Catechesis in the Late Second Century,” Studia Patristica Series vol. 22, XCVI (Leuven: Peeters Publishing Co., 2017).
- “Agrippina’s Memoirs,” Classical Outlook 90 (2015).