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Wolterstorff 2

Podcast Throwback: Why I Love Philosophy

What does philosophy have to do with theology? Isn’t Christianity a faith of the heart, and not a faith of the head? And for that matter, isn’t philosophy an impractical discipline, completely unrelated to everyday life?

In this episode, Matthew Barrett talks with Nicholas Wolterstorff about his journey into academia as a philosopher, as told in his book In this World of Wonders: Memoir of a Life in Learning.

Matthew Barrett

Matthew Barrett is the editor-in-chief of Credo Magazine, director of the Center for Classical Theology, and host of the Credo podcast. He is professor of Christian theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the author of several books, including Simply Trinity, which won the Christianity Today Book of the Year Award in Theology/Ethics. His new book is called The Reformation as Renewal: Retrieving the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. He is currently writing a Systematic Theology with Baker Academic.

Nicholas Wolterstorff

Nicholas Paul Wolterstorff is an American philosopher and theologian. He is currently Noah Porter Professor Emeritus Philosophical Theology at Yale University. A prolific writer with wide-ranging philosophical and theological interests, he has written books on aesthetics, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of religion, metaphysics, and philosophy of education.
